I won't repeat exactly what Dave said as it was a tad bit colourful but putting it short its a myth. Carp will eat what they want to eat whether its fish meal, bird food or nut based every lake is different for instance, people have been Pike fishing with an oily chunk of mackerel and have in turn caught a Carp and I don't think that there is an angler in the land who hasn't caught on a piece of plastic or foam.
Not too long ago I was having a discussion with a good friend of mine and he mentioned smelly baits and there is a massive misconception that smelly bait works. He explained this in the most simplest way I've ever heard which is, we all love the smell of Vimto but you wouldn't drink it undiluted. Boilies leak flavour into the water column which carp in turn taste and if they are hungry will go and investigate further. The leakage happens from the break down of the bait itself and in the same way as PVA it is effected by the oil content. When it comes to oils it is all dependant on the type of oil some oils have a high lipid content. This is what historically puts people off fish meal products in winter.
For more information on Bait Man Dave and to view his range of baits please visit WWW.BAITMANDAVE.COM
Bait Man Dave - Bait Roller/ Developer
fishmeals work in winter..the old school theory was mainly due to the fact that early fishmeals were heavily ladened with lipid fish oils .
these inhibited the release of attracters in cold water.
locking in attraction of a bait in cold water is the only reason why fishmeal were generally avoided.
Bait formulation has come a long way since the old days and most baits are built to be use all year round so very little need to change over.
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